Discover Bella Vista's charge is to promote Bella Vista as a tourism destination. If you are interested in Bella Vista as a prospective resident, we recommend you contact one of the Bella Vista sources with in-depth information about "living in Bella Vista."

Bella Visitors Ambassadors 

Contact: Ralph Peterson, President

479- 855-6308 

These are volunteer ambassador families who will make an appointment to meet with your and answer your questions about living in Bella Vista. Ralph coordinates scheduling. 

Property Owners Association

The Property Owner's Association, known in Bella Vista as the POA, manages all of the amenities on behalf of the members in Bella Vista. Most of the residents of BV are members of the POA and pay fees to maintain the amenities. The only POA managed amenities that are completely open to the general public without POA fees and policies are extensive trail systems. 

The best way to get your bearings in navigating POA amenities is through it's website.

Vacation Rentals

There are no hotels or motels in Bella Vista. There are over 200 vacation rentals in Bella Vista. The best way to get a sense of what it would be like to live in Bella Vista would be to select a vacation rental that has some of the features you would like in a home of your own. There are rentals close to the golf courses. There are rentals within feet of the mountain bike trail system. There are rentals on the lakes. There are rentals with docks. Staying in a motel in an adjacent town will give you a 20-30 minute commute and you'll miss the sunrise and sunsets, which is one of the best amenities in Bella Vista. 


Ask your host for guest cards for everyone in your party. This will give you access to private amenities that are not available to the general public. In some cases there are fees involved. The advantage is that you will experience first hand what being a resident of Bella Vista and a member of this recreation community would be like.